Facebook login and password add to favorites

Sure to save you time on Facebook login and password add to favorites , to access your mail, account you’ve checked the box to remember password.

If you’re using Google Chrome sure you’ve ever been in the position of wanting to save a username and password to go directly to a Web service and browser has not given you the option. Then we help you that this will not happen again.

Normally when this happens is because the site which you are going to enter (usually with the HTTPS protocol), has its source in the tag

that prevents the browser will offer the possibility to store the user and password.

there are options such as extending Autocomplete = on for Google Chrome that let you save any loggin to do.
So we just have to install the plugin, restart your browser and continue browsing and saving passwords.

Facebook login and password add to favorites

This supplement is very useful for home computers or personal laptops. However, if we know that our equipment can be used by several people it is best not to use it to prevent future problems.



Because you do not have Facebook login and password add to favorites

Most Web browsers such as Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer saved passwords for websites that you frequently visit, including Facebook.

While this time-saving feature allows you to quickly access your favorite websites, some users consider a risk to your privacy if you share a computer or access to Facebook from a public place.

Every great Web browser provides mechanisms that allow you to delete the search history, temporary Internet files and user names and passwords stored.

Google Chrome

  1. Launch Google Chrome and click on the ” Menu ” Chrome , which has the form of three horizontal lines in the toolbar .
  2. Click the “Settings” menu and select ” Show Advanced Options ” .
  3. Select “Manage Saved Passwords ” section labeled “Passwords and Forms ” to display a list of all usernames and passwords saved .
  4. Click on the ” X ” next to his Facebook password and other passwords you want to remove from Chrome.

Internet Explorer

  1. Start Internet Explorer and click the button “Tools” . Select “Internet Options ” .
  2. Click or tap the “Advanced” tab and click “Reset ” to load the “Reset Internet Explorer Settings ” dialog box .
  3. Click ” Reset” to clear cookies , temporary Internet files and saved passwords. When prompted , click “OK” and restart Internet Explorer .

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Start Mozilla Firefox. Click the button “Firefox ” and select “Options.”
  2. Open the panel “Security” and click on ” Saved Passwords ” to load the Password Manager .
  3. Select ” Show Password ” to display a list of all saved passwords .
  4. Type ” Facebook” in the search box to locate the user name and password of Facebook stored . Click ” Remove” to remove the password stored in your browser history . Click ” Delete All” to delete all stored passwords.


  1. Start Safari and click on the “Safari” menu . Select ” Reset Safari ” .
  2. Select the box next to ” Delete saved names and passwords ” .
  3. Click ” Reset” to clear the password of Facebook stored .

After removing the password , your browser may ask whether you want to save your password in Facebook during the next logon attempt . If you agree to keep your password , you must delete the passwords again. [banner_abajo]

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