Madeline hunter lesson plan template word document

Madeline hunter template in word Model Hunter Madeline Hunter is one of the most important theorists of education, particularly with respect to the direct teaching. Your 8-step lesson plan format incorporates his method, which many believe has stood the test of time.Following these steps can not only help educators develop effective lesson plans, but help parents or guardians of school at home too.

  1. Anticipatory Set (focus): Refers to a short activity that draws attention to students before class begins. This can be a gift, a problem for example, or a simple question.
  2. Purpose (Goal): The objective describes the purpose of the lesson that day. Here the teacher emphasizes how students will benefit from the session and how they are going to learn from it.
  3. Entry: Entry refers to the vocabulary, skills and other concepts the teacher intends to incorporate into the session. It is basically a summary of what students need to know to successfully master the lesson.
  4. Modeling (show): It is no secret that most students are only able to master a new lesson if the teacher has taken the time to show how. Just walk a problem without the participation of students, allowing them to learn how.
  5. Guided Practice: Next, the teacher leads students through the steps necessary to perform the skill highlighted with what is called the approach tripod, or see / hear / see. Show students how to successfully work through problems in their attempt to do it themselves.
  6. Check for Understanding: Make sure your students understand the lesson. Ask students if they understand and respond to your questions, and then adjust the pace of class accordingly.
  7. Independent Practice: Allow students to practice the lessons to complete on their own, offering help when needed. Make sure all students understand the lessons of the day, including tasks.
  8. Close: Conclude the lesson. Ask students to recap what we have taught them, saying or showing what they have learned.

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Madeline Hunter was best known as the founder of clinical teaching method. She taught at UCLA from 1963 until his death in 1994. Hunter won four titles in education and psychology and worked as a clinical psychologist, school psychologist, principal of the primary school, university professor, writer and presenter of workshops.


The principles underlying programmed instruction, derived from the psychology of learning, the experimental analysis of behavior, cognitive theories and personality.

The fundamental psychological principles are:

  • Reinforcement of correct answers immediately. The behavior is learned when reinforced immediately and ensures repetition rate and increased student work so it is motivating. From cognitive psychology, the student’s response is kept or removed depending on its consequences and feedback confirming the correct and incorrect addresses.
  • Gradual progression. The materials are presented in sequence ranging from simple to complex, so that the student emits number of correct answers to acquire a behavioral pattern. At the same time, gradually braces are removed.
  • The control of behavior. The teacher takes you through the continuous observation of student performance in which new material is presented if and only if the student has completed the previous or by machine only works when the student works. The student also carries its own control to identify successes and mistakes immediately issues a response.
  • Establish generalization and discrimination. A response requires variety of contexts for learning appropriate to multiple stimuli for the student to achieve the formation of concepts.
  • The planning and organization of knowledge. The teacher is responsible for them for the process of moving from simple to complex is made from single significant joint to the most complex. Learning understanding ensures high possibility of retention and transfer.


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