Invisalign vs braces cost and time

The creation of a beautiful smile, straightening your teeth, previously only was possible through the metal brackets. Currently, there are other effective alternatives in the transformation of teeth crooked. Before determining which option is best for you, take a look at the pros and cons of braces and Invisalign.

Main benefits of brackets:

Metal braces are attached to the teeth permanently, which requires the work of a dentist for their elimination. This ensures that patients with braces will not lose them or stop using their devices correctly. On the other hand, Invisalign is a removable retainer that the patient must be removed before eating and sleeping.

Other reasons for the choice of brackets:

Brackets offer a more advanced treatment for patients suffering from advanced dental problems.

For all patients, but particularly for children, there is a greater chance of losing or forgetting the use of Invisalign, the remainder efficacy to treatment.

Your choice:
After weighing the pros and cons of braces with Invisalign, you have to make a decision regarding your oral treatment. Whether you choose braces or Invisalign, ask us for an appointment for more information on the type of oral care that her smile is waiting for you.



Main benefits of Invisalign:

With Invisalign, teeth is reset without the use of metal wires or brackets.

Certain persons, such as adults and business professionals can use Invisalign without being concerned with aesthetic issues associated with the use of metallic devices.

Athletes and active people can use Invisalign, while they participate in physical activities without fear to injure its mouth.

Patients using Invisalign are less likely to suffer from sores, rashes and blisters associated with wires of metal brackets.
In addition, conventional orthodontics makes more complicated dental cleaning. Brackets users discover that they cannot eat certain foods such as the popcorn or hard candies due to difficult cleaning.

Duration of treatment Invisalign

As usual, the duration of the invisible orthodontic treatment is very variable, because it depends on the degree of deviation from the teeth.

At a minimum, you must take the aligners a year, and this period may be extended up to a year and half or two years.

The dentist will guide you during the process and you can get an estimate of the remaining time you once started the treatment.

Price and cost Invisalign

Invisible orthodontics is a very expensive treatment. Aligners and consultations to the dentist you can go for about 4000 doales, although in some cases this figure can climb to 6000 dollars. [banner_abajo]

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